Monday, July 26, 2010

B.R.I.M 2010

B.R.I.M. - "Beach Retreat In Midsummer" is over. All the kids and their spouses joined us for a few days at the coast, 11 of us total. Or 11.6 if we include "jellybean", the unborn grandson. We rented a large house at Arch Cape, just south of Cannon Beach, with a leopard skin patterned carpet and a couch made from the bamboo remnants of Kon Tiki. Oh, and a racoon that crawled around inside the walls and ceiling at night.

It was a lot of fun having everyone together again. Lot's of game playing, kite flying, beach walking, wave jumping, sand castle building and eating going on.

WOW, what a great looking bunch of kids.

And now that my blog followers have doubled in size (thanks Denise), I feel the need, nay responsibility, to increase the frequency of blogs from annual to semi-annual. Just think of it, twice the information flowing from my fingertips each year.